The Ranges Music Network is excited to be able to offer opportunities for Home Educators, Virtual School and Home School learners to take advantage of our group and individual lesson programs and some community ensembles!
New programs at Woodend & Romsey Neighbourhood House!
Choose From A Number Of Instruments!
The Ranges Music Network offers group lessons including Keyboard / Piano, Harp, Violin, Guitar, Bass Guitar, Ukulele, Brass (Trumpet / Trombone), Woodwinds (Clarinet, Flute, Saxophone), Voice / Singing, Drums / Percussion & more. Plus our ensemble-based lessons and mini-band workshops are a tonne of fun!
Woodend Studio:
Are you a Home Educator family looking for a great opportunity to learn music and join in with others? We’d like to get a Woodend Studio happening so musicians can gather, learn and make great music. Get in touch if you’re interested!
Share your interest
If you are interested in getting involved in music in the community please contact our Program Director, Shaun Evans at