About The Ranges Music Network

Dedicated to putting the
FUN in fundamentals!

The Ranges Music Network brings a wealth of experience, commitment and a multi-talented team to create engaging, inclusive and accessible music and creative education programs.

A picture from our Term 2 2024 concert

About The Ranges Music Network

Thanks for learning more about what the Ranges Music Network has to offer creatives of all ages in the Macedon Ranges & surrounds. The program has been developed as a labour of love by a dedicated team of Mentors and Artists that come from a variety of backgrounds and experiences.

Our team really believes in our approach to education, sharing and testing new ideas and encouraging everyone that they have the potential to express themselves creatively.

I found myself transplanted to the Macedon Ranges after growing up in Canada, spending my formative years as a Musical Director at sea, working as a session musician, arranger, composer and artist around the world.

All throughout I was always a part of a culture of sharing my experience and knwoledge and wouldn't be where I am now without those musicians and mentors that lifted me up and gave me great opportunities.

If you have a creative and adventurous soul then you'll find a perfect home in one of the Ranges Music Network's programs. We start in-school with Primary-aged musicians and work with Secondary-aged teens and young adults through our Community programs and MR YIM stages.

If you'd like to keep posted with what's coming up you can follow us on socials:

Signed Shaun Evans

Our Journey

Macedon Primary School
Term 1 2020

The RMN was sparked from a request from Macedon Primary's Principal for help building out some instrumental music options. Discussions began flying in the end of 2019 and we had our initial team in place delivering group lessons and ensembles in Guitars, Strings, Woodwinds, Voice, Harp and Keyboards at the start of the year!

Mount Macedon & Woodend Primary
Mount Macedon, Woodend
Term 1 2020

Not long after the Principals at Mount Macedon & Woodend Primary got wind of what was happening down the hill and joined the party!

Hesket Primary School
Term 3 2020

Thanks to the advocacy of Hesket mum and musician Lizanne Richards we were invited to bring the program to tiny (but mighty!) Hesket Primary. Little did we know Hesket would grow to be one of our biggest schools (by percentage participation) -- but Lizanne would also become a member of the team!

Gisborne Primary School

Thanks to Kate Kuyateh we were also invited to join the expansive and diverse instrumental music offerings at Gisborne Primary -- including Voice, Drums, Strings, Woodwinds, Brass and more.

Romsey Primary, Bolinda Primary & Lancefield Primary Schools
Romsey, Bolinda, Lancefield
Term 1 2023

2023 saw a fantastic expansion into the East of the Shire -- with programs kicking off at Romsey Primary, Bolida Primary and Lancefield Primary.

Holy Cross Catholic Primary New Gisborne & Trentham District Primary School
New Gisborne, Trentham
Term 2 2023

Early 2023 also began our first peek into the Hepburn Shire as we were invited to bring a variety of programs to Trentham District Primary.

We also rolled out programs to our first Catholic School with Keyboards, Strings, Drums, Voice and more at Holy Cross Catholic Primary in New Gisborne.

St. Ambrose Catholic Primary Woodend
Term 3 2023

Mid-way through 2023 we began delivery of our whole range of programs across three days at Woodend's St. Ambrose Primary. It was great to build upon an already keen group of musicians there!

St. Brigids Catholic Primary Gisborne
Term 1 2024

2024 was not only introduced St. Brigid's Catholic Primary (Gisborne) into the fold -- but was the debut of our Launchpad programs.

Our Program's Evolution

Individual & Group Lessons 2020

The RMN started it's humble beginnings with a small but committed team that offered a variety of instruments from Guitar and Keyboard to Harp and Violin in Individual and Group (1:6) lesson formats

Before School Drop Ins, Discovery Club & After School Bands 2020

When Woodend Primary joined the party we were only able to offer after school programs. This gave birth to Discovery (Club), Junior Band & Senior Band. At Macedon we also offered drop-in before and after school ensembles

Online Learning 2020-21

Like everyone across lockdown time we did many experiments with online learning models including individual and group sessions and virtual ensembles. Our return to schools went off with a bang!

Smaller Group Lessons 2022

In 2022 we innovated on our group lesson model moving from a 1:6 ensemble to a more personal 1:4 group.

Rock Orchestra 2023

Althought we had our roots in the Primary space, the overlap between tweens, teens and young adults in experience and expression is great. In 2023 we were finally able to assembly our first ensemble for the 'Rock Orchestra' -- who's debut performance at the MRYIM Youth Music Fest in Lancefield was a blast! Rock Orchestra continues on a term by term basis with different themes and focuses.

20 Minute Individual 2023

The RMN has always had a commitment to inclusivity and accesisbility. Sometimes group learning, although a more economical model just doesn't suit the learning needs of a particular musician. For some families coming from a traditional music education experience, an individual lesson was the first port of call. By offering a 20 minute individual option we created another note of flexibility within the program, as well as the opportunity to address some inclusion and accessibility needs.

Launchpad, Boost & Jetstream 2024

Our team has been constantly innovating in our models and programs -- and 2024 was the start of a bold experiment in hybrid music education. Launchpad kicked off featuring a mix of both individual instruction and 1:4 small ensemble work. This way musicians had an experience with the best of both worlds -- where they could learn the techniques and fundamentals of their instrument with individualized attention -- and then put that into play by 'speaking the language of music' in their ensemble together.

Boost & Jetstream offered further customizability with additional individual time that could be customized to include multiple instruments and suit other learning and individual needs.

Updated Discovery 2024

2024 also saw an update to our much loved Discovery Club program -- now just 'Discovery'. This P-2 program that offered a buffet of musical experiences, games and fun in a play-based setting was consolidated to in-school time at all locations. More importantly we we able to bring the format to a 1:4 model that meant each of our young Discovery musicians had more individual support from their Music Mentor.

BreakBeats, BigSing & Lil Bites Term 3 2024

As the cost-of-living crunch came to bear in 2024 we looked for innovative ways to offer introductory programs that would encourage and excite our young musicians -- and also provide an extension for those already in a Launchpad or Individual program. #BreakBeats Drum Club and #BigSing Vocal Club began our lunch or break time ensemble series. Further innovating in the Discovery space, Term 4 2024 included the debut of our Li'l Bites 10 minute individual lessons for P-1 musicians

Lauchpad Makers + Creators! Term 4 2024

We all know that Music is only one form of creative expression. In the vision of an inclusive program of creative voices and original thinkers the RMN will begin trials of a new Launchpad stream: Makers + Creators!. These new programs, in the now familiar Launchpad formats will include Mentoring in Engineering, Robotics, Coding, Photography, Film, Video and Content Creation -- plus Visual, Digital and Textile Arts! Watch this space!

New Online Portal and RMN Site 2024

The RMN was sparked from a request from Macedon Primary's Principal for help building out some instrumental music options. Discussions began flying in the end of 2019 and we had our initial team in place delivering group lessons and ensembles in Guitars, Strings, Woodwinds, Voice, Harp and Keyboards at the start of the year!

Find us at

Our Schools

Bolinda Primary School

1234 Lorem Ipsum St, 12345, Miami

Gisborne Primary School

5678 Lorem Ipsum St, 56789, Madrid

Hesket Primary School

9012 Lorem Ipsum St, 90123, Sydney

Holy Cross Catholic Primary New Gisborne

3456 Lorem Ipsum St, 34567, São Paulo

Lancefield Primary School

5678 Lorem Ipsum St, 56789, Madrid

Macedon Primary School

5678 Lorem Ipsum St, 56789, Madrid

Mount Macedon Primary School

5678 Lorem Ipsum St, 56789, Madrid

Romsey Primary School

5678 Lorem Ipsum St, 56789, Madrid

St. Ambrose Catholic Primary School Woodend

5678 Lorem Ipsum St, 56789, Madrid

St. Brigid's Catholic Primary School Gisborne

5678 Lorem Ipsum St, 56789, Madrid

Trentham District Primary School

5678 Lorem Ipsum St, 56789, Madrid

Woodend Primary School

5678 Lorem Ipsum St, 56789, Madrid

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Email us

Reach out by email to shaun@rangesmusic.net.

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You can reach us on Messenger at @rangesmusicnet.

Call or SMS

Reach out by phone or text to 044 992 2425.